
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monkey's, Snakes and Binki's?

Man by some of these pictures you'd think that my girls never wear pants. Sorry! I do like them to wear pants! Lily Monkey, being dangerous like usual and climbing on things she knows she shouldn't.
We went to Busch Garden's and they had a Python(really really big, says McKenna) snake on display that you could go touch (I don't think you could call it petting). McKenna didn't want to touch it at all, but Lily touched it once then was ready to move on.

Silly Lily, she decided that she wanted two binki's in her mouth!


Leah Miller said...

That binki picture is hilarious! She is pretty funny. If one is good then two must be better, right?

Lee said...

Cute binki pic! And your girls are brave to get that close to that nasty snake. Oh gross.

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