
Monday, August 6, 2007

Death by running?

So of course I was so excited about my first real race. I entered the 5K in New Bedford, MA. Not knowing that it was going to be 100 degrees in the sun. Lucky for us they set up some water stands through out the race. I seriously thought my face was going to explode. Other then that it was fun. I loved being there and running with all those people. Oh and a free shirt and Portuguese food too.


Lee said...

Great job! I am totally impressed with you running that. Of course I knew you could. You are a superstar like that.

Julie said...

Rock on--you did it! Congratulations on the free t-shirt. Any race is a great success when such rewards are involved!

Nicole said...

Hey, way to go Dawn! Wish I could've run with you....although these days it would've been more like a waddle.

Leah Miller said...

Yeee-hah! Way to go. Do you think we can be running partners when I get back to Williamsburg? My old buddies are both pregnant and, like Nicole said, waddle when they run.

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