
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Keeping Busy!

Here is a Christmas present in the works, nope sorry I'm not telling who it's for either. They will have to wait and find out, but I will post a picture when it's all done too.

This one was a fun quilt kit my mom got for me last Christmas that finally made it to my list of quilts to make. I still haven't finished it, but someday it will be done.


So many blogs..too little time said...

Hey, those are nice. If only I could do that. Anyway I am due July 10th. My sister is 5 weeks ahead of me. We were trying to wait to tell people but it's hard with big mouthed parents! You are SO close! Hang in there!

littlest said...

go dawn!!! or is it really matt making the quilts?! ahaha. they are awesome.

Sweet Em said...

That is so beautiful! I am incredibly impressed (and somewhat ashamed at my lack of motivation). I can't wait to see the finished product.

ALC Wedding Photography said...

ok you have to tell me the secret.... when do you have so much time to do everything???? you have two girls, your gregnant, you bake, clean, take beautiful pictures, take the girls everywhere! i mean seriously i'm sure i left something off the list...

Schofield's said...

That is amazing! BTW, I love reading your blog, your girls are so cute and BIG! They grow too fast.

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