We had a fun trip across with our 3 kids. We enjoyed the time together and the kids didn't really complain about the trip and how much we were in the car. We tried to stop often enough so they didn't feel like we were in the car all day.
Our first stop was Kirtland, OH. Starting the trip off right with some singing and dancing, typical girl style.
Kirtland Temple
cute kids, and Matt:)
Another stop at Southbend, IN where I walked around Notre Dame's campus while Matt got lost driving the car from one spot to another. Construction is maddening.
Chicago, IL for some awesome pizza. A must have if you ever go there!!!
Blue Earth, MN where we had Dairy Queen and found a mighty green giant. They are standing at his feet.
rock jumping contest in Sioux Falls, SD. Which happened to be our favorite stop on the trip
The Corn Palace in Mitchel, SD. Not really worth the stop, but it was still pretty funny to see.
Matt decided to go long for the trip:)
Wall Drug in SD. If you haven't been there you need to stop, it is funny too. And the kids had a blast!
Love the matching pajamas!!! I just can't believe how many grandsons Jeanne has, it is so the opposite of Loanne. I think it is pretty funny. Can't wait to see ya'll at Jana's wedding. :)
We've been to Wall Drug and the Corn Palace. The best part about Wall Drug was the signage along the freeway leading up to it! Did you see Mt. Rushmore in the evening? They have a neat performance. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. It reminded me of the many cross country trips we took growing up. Good luck in ID!!
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