
Friday, February 8, 2008

Frog or Bear?

So here's my confession, I had a blanket I called "silky" and a monkey that named "squeaker". So my girls have taken after my traits and have lovey's (and I know that's not a word, but it's what we call them) of their own. Oh and we have very creative names for them. Frog for MJ and Bear for LL. So here is my question for you. What was your lovey? Blanket, stuffed animal, etc?


nelsonjeneen said...

We don't have a "lovey" stuff animal, ours is a blanky". It is so cute to see them drag their lovey dovey thing around!

KP said...

Hey there! You have inspired me to figure out how to leave a comment on a blog. Congratulations to both of us. Me for figuring it out and you for the motivation!

YOUR GIRLS ARE ADORABLE! They go nicely with their adorable parents. Which would lend itself to this adorable tradition of a "lovey". Me, not so adorable. My boys never had anything like that. Jeremy nursed till he was 13 months and Riley used to rub moles on my face. Like I said, not sooo adorable. He, he.

Trixie said...

Depends on the stuffie:) I myself have skunkie, for the skunk, mousey, for the mouse, and ted, for the bear, just to name a few:) Your girls have nothing on me for originality, let me tell ya:)Abby has a blue tiger that she bluey Mcblu blue, yeah, I have no idea where she got that. A lot of times she manages to call them Chrystal, I have no idea why:)

Nicole said...

I had a bear. And I confess...I got rid of it about two years ago and i really wish I hadn't. :o( It didn't have a name, but I used to sleep with it every night. And my grills have blankets. I have no idea what we'll do when they fall to pieces.

Amy G. said...

we're definitely a blanky family. josh makes fun of me cause even our twin down comforter from before we were married is still my blanky. i try to be nice and share, but inevitably it ends up in my grasps by morning. the kids have for sure taken after me.

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