
Monday, July 23, 2007

Sacred Grove

We drove out to the Palmyra Temple/Sacred Grove/Smith Family Home areas to tour around and it was great. All I can really say is wow! The pictures don't do it justice. If you haven't been to Palmyra I say it's worth the trip.

Smith Family House

Sacred Grove from Smith Family House. This is what it looks like on the outside.

The inside of the Sacred Grove.
I have to say even with kids running and screaming. I still felt this warmth and peace walking through there. Even the kids recognized the spirit when we hit the center where young Joseph knelt and prayed. They all got quiet and just walked along.

View of the Palmyra Temple from the Smith Family House.

This is what happens after you take your kids walking around and driving for a couple of hours. And of course we thought perfect we'll go back to the Hotel and all take a nap. We walked in the door at the hotel and it was time to play. Needless to say after the pageant the girls were really tired. We were too, but we still made it to 9:30am church.


Nicole said...

oh, too precious! that carseat picture is priceless. How fun to do the church history stuff. I did that right out of high school, but I don't think I fully appreciated it. I need to go back!

Lee said...

Wow.. I am so jealous you got to go there. What an amazing experience. One day we are going to go. Great pictures.

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